A Message of Peace

Dear Friends, 

Today, we woke up to the news of the election of a new President. For half of the nation, the results of the elections were a total surprise. But, regardless of how we feel about the results, one thing is for certain, we are a divided nation. We are divided along issues of racism, xenophobia, abortion, hatred, and feelings towards the political establishment. I pray that our newly elected President and other elected officials rise above all of these. I pray that, as people of faith and hope, we don't give into despair. I pray that we become intentional in helping to mend a broken nation. I pray that we continue to stand up against hatred, injustice, and fear and that we continue our mission as witnesses of the Good News of the Christ here and beyond. And, so I pray...

"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.

O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life" (Prayer of St. Francis).


Rev. Felix C. Villanueva, Conference Minister
