11-15-17: Generosity Works


November signals the start of our stewardship month here at Neighborhood Congregational Church!  Do you love NCC?  We are invited to offer our time, talent, and treasure in service to our beautiful, loving church.  Let's all get involved!  Our theme will be "Journey to Generosity: The Way of Jesus", focusing on his biblical teachings found in Matthew 9:35 - 10:23.  Take a look at the scriptures at your leisure, as we will examine a particular portion every week this month.  My personal letter of invitation will be available in the coming days; let's all formally pledge to support our church by November 26!  In the meantime, consider how you can expand the work of generosity in your life this month.  How might your time be directed to life-giving, healthy activities?  What personal talents and gifts have been under-utilized in your life?  How can your money better serve your goals and mission?  And ultimately, what blessings do you bring to your church?  I believe we each have a role to play; let's start anew this month, committing ourselves to letting generosity take hold in our lives.  Your church will be glad you did!  This All Saints Sunday, we will celebrate the generosity of those known and unknown who have moved on, encouraging us to do the same with all that we have and all that we are."


- Pastor Rod

Author of this post

Reverend Rodrick Echols Pastor "Reverend (Rod)rick Echols is originally from Memphis, graduated from Brown University, and holds a Master of Divinity from Boston University. In his professional life, he has held development roles with several prominent institutions, including UC San Diego, Brown University, United Way, and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. His specialties include pastoral care, leadership development, communication, fundraising, and counseling. Reverend Rod has served in various capacities in a number of churches, including Youth Pastor, Interim Minister, and most recently Pastor of Congregational Development before joining us here at NCC! His faith is strong. He listens and communicates well. He is a quality preacher and brings a passion for social justice. He also seeks to provide space for young people to gather and connect. Rev. Rod is a young, spirited pastor who speaks from the heart."